Monday, May 13, 2013

About Family Tree Hunter

Greetings and good day...

This is a sort-of relaxed blog about my attempts to search, investigate, research, and trace my family roots. It's a collection of my thoughts and trials as I wade through the mass of papers, data, documents, images and ideas that relate to my family connections. Any time I'm presented with an idea or thought I try to realize and understand the source of the information and further, I try to see where I can fit the piece of the puzzle into the Tree.

This Blog will always be a work-in-progress as I delve into the past lives and histories of my family lines, the world over. I do not in any way, shape or form claim to be an expert or a professional; I am just obsessed with genealogy… maybe that is a good thing.

When I first began my research, in 2000, into the life of my grandfather, L. Von Taylor (1915-1981), for whom I was named, the Internet was beginning to come into play as a viable tool. Today it is a key component in the field of search, research, archiving, calculating, and communicating in the many different areas and arenas of genealogical and ancestry study. As my family, relatives, and friends are spread all over the world, the Internet now allows for the immediate flow of information and online discussions.

Added to that, we can now use DNA analysis to provide a very distant back-map to our research. So far, I have not learned much I did not already suspect via this scientific tool, but it is hoped that in the future new areas of exploration will be prompted via the use of this evidence.

This Blog, Family Tree Hunter, is the journey of my search and research. Feel free to wander through my Posts, my ramblings, and my tangents, at your will and leisure. Have a good time checking out my research and my analyses. And feel free to contact me at any time with your questions and comments and ideas. We are only an e-mail, Facebook share, tweet, Skype, or phone call away.



p.s. I have also decided to discontinue the use of after many years of keeping many important family documents there, because there was no cheaper alternative. That era has ended with the advent of free blogging by Google. Beginning today, I will attempt to take each item from that site and transfer it here. Inevitably, that will entail loading this site with many documents and photographs that are related to my Taylor and other paternal family lines. Eventually, it is my hope that the research done on other family lines will eclipse the body of that research. Wish me luck!

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